Give Help

Donate money

Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.

Our foodbank is run by local people for local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry. Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?

Regular giving:

Donate online: Use the red Donate tab at the top right of this page, or follow this link >

By standing order: Complete and return a standing order form, which you can download here >


One-off gifts:

Donate online: Use the red Donate tab at the top right of this page, or follow this link >

By cheque: Please make cheques payable to South Liverpool foodbank and send to:  South Liverpool foodbank, Bridge Chapel Centre, Heath Road, Garston, L19 4XR. Please consider adding Gift Aid to your donation if possible. You can download a Gift Aid declaration form here >

By Bankuet: If you’d like to donate food but can’t drop it off, why not consider donating funds instead? Bankuet is a great way to do this. They combine your donation with others’ and bulk buy the items we need most most. And every pound donated via Bankuet delivers more than £1 of food to us. Donate here >



A single gift could secure someone’s future. Contact us to find out more.


Fundraise for us:

There are some helpful hints and ideas in our handy fundraising booklet. Download your copy here >

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